by Jessica Walker | Nov 17, 2019 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “I used to pay $9/hour plus commissions but it’s hard to recruit new employees. Should I raise the hourly to $13-$14/hour and cut back on commissions?” A: The short answer to your question is yes and no. Yes, you should raise your hourly rate but no, you shouldn’t...
by Jessica Walker | Sep 1, 2019 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “Trying to plan our Valentine’s Day Specials. This is our first year for it, so I need some ideas! For example, when do you start your specials?” A: As much as it makes sense to do specials around Valentine’s Day, keep this in mind: Most gift giving in our business...
by Jessica Walker | Aug 1, 2019 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “I am hiring help right now. I need your advice on what to you ask on interviews? I am thinking about doing some role playing as a group interview? What do you think? I want someone who can think outside of the box. I want to pick the right to hires. Can you share...
by Jessica Walker | Jul 1, 2019 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “Help! We’re going to a wedding expo and we’re the only tanning business exhibiting there. Do you have any ideas for displays, games, giveaways, etc.?”A: Tanning salon owners and spray tan techs can really boost their revenue by tanning brides and wedding parties....
by Jessica Walker | Jan 16, 2019 | Farr Factor
If new tanners get a tour of your salon, why not make a video tanning salon tour for your salon’s Facebook page? This exposes all the great things about your business to a much wider audience! Almost every tanning salon owner hosts a tour for new tanners. It’s usually...