by Jessica Walker | Jul 1, 2012 | Farr Factor
Every tanning business needs an “April” – she’s every salon owner’s dream staff member, striving to ramp up sales revenue and customer satisfaction. Notice the connection of the two: ramped up revenues and ramped up customer satisfaction....
by Jessica Walker | Jun 1, 2012 | Farr Factor
Making a living in the tanning industry presents many challenges, and one of the more difficult is transitioning a great sales associate into a good salon manger. It’s not an easy task; you face the real possibility of ending up with a poor performing manager and...
by Jessica Walker | May 1, 2012 | Farr Factor
Every day of every week I spend tons of hours on the phone talking to clients or client staff about a variety of HR and marketing issues. But of all of the HR issues the most common is “what do we do with managers that don’t manage?” “What do...
by Jessica Walker | Apr 1, 2012 | Farr Factor
The lesson I learned from Bob Hope Every day it seems owners and managers ask about what must they pay in base salaries and incentives to keep their best workers? To answer that let me share my experience with Bob Hope. Years ago I had spent more than 25 years in the...
by Jessica Walker | Mar 1, 2012 | Farr Factor
(And get employee actions & retention) As the old saw goes, turn over your inventory… not your people. Retaining good retail help is part art and part science. The part that is art is your leadership style, which I’ll discuss next month. For now,...