by Jessica Walker | Nov 17, 2019 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “I used to pay $9/hour plus commissions but it’s hard to recruit new employees. Should I raise the hourly to $13-$14/hour and cut back on commissions?” A: The short answer to your question is yes and no. Yes, you should raise your hourly rate but no, you shouldn’t...
by Jessica Walker | Sep 1, 2019 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “Trying to plan our Valentine’s Day Specials. This is our first year for it, so I need some ideas! For example, when do you start your specials?” A: As much as it makes sense to do specials around Valentine’s Day, keep this in mind: Most gift giving in our business...
by Jessica Walker | Aug 1, 2019 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “I am hiring help right now. I need your advice on what to you ask on interviews? I am thinking about doing some role playing as a group interview? What do you think? I want someone who can think outside of the box. I want to pick the right to hires. Can you share...
by Jessica Walker | Jul 1, 2019 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “Help! We’re going to a wedding expo and we’re the only tanning business exhibiting there. Do you have any ideas for displays, games, giveaways, etc.?”A: Tanning salon owners and spray tan techs can really boost their revenue by tanning brides and wedding parties....
by Jessica Walker | Oct 9, 2018 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “We have an employee who sometimes flakes in her duties, so much so that she once lost her employee privileges. She earned them back two weeks later and everything was good for a while. Recently, she started a problem by involving everyone in her argument with my...
by Jessica Walker | Oct 2, 2018 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “I usually do radio ads at the beginning of the peak tanning season. I’m very torn over whether this is a good form of advertising or not. I’m strongly considering doing some radio advertising for busy season. I know that you’re very knowledgeable about the correct...