by Jessica Walker | Sep 25, 2018 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “I’m debating on making my single tan $45 or unlimited for $25.99 to attract more clients. I’m trying to get volume and sell aftercare products. Do you really feel that lowering it to that rate would help? And, should there be a one year minimum for the EFT...
by Jessica Walker | Sep 18, 2018 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “We recently fired an employee who was asking tanners for money… and some of them gave it to her! Then they stopped coming in to tan because they knew she would be there, asking them for money. I lost business for three months because of this and I’m beyond...
by Jessica Walker | Sep 11, 2018 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “Besides cash and commissions, what are some other effective salon employee awards? I want to do everything I can to motivate my staff to keep doing the great jobs that each of the is doing. I know that this is your speciality, so any suggestions would be greatly...
by Jessica Walker | Sep 4, 2018 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “What are the best salon marketing tools for a one-location tanning salon owner in a fairly big Midwestern city? I’m all for trying different approaches, but I want to get the most bang for my buck even when I use free marketing tools like social media. Which...
by Jessica Walker | Aug 28, 2018 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “My question is about employee handbooks/agreements. I’ve heard of one tanning salon owner losing an unemployment challenge because the reason she terminated the staff member’s employment – not showing up for a shift on time – wasn’t listed in their agreement. I...
by Jessica Walker | Aug 21, 2018 | Ask a Tanning Salon Business Consultant
Q: “Besides cash and commissions, what are some other effective salon employee awards? I want to do everything I can to motivate my staff to keep doing the great jobs that each of the is doing. I know that this is your speciality, so any suggestions would be greatly...