How to Cash in on Radio Advertising Buys (Part 3 of 4)

by | Farr Factor

Here’s a way to cash in on radio ads… make this medium your salon’s branding and call-to-action champion!

Radio is a cumulative impressions ad vehicle. It creates a “top-of-mind awareness” at some of the best decision times of the day for tanning salon owners and clients. If your partnership with radio and its staff is good and mutually rewarding, you can ride this medium’s huge audience to some great brand and call-to-action marketing.  The difference between those two objectives is subtle but important.

Radio and Brand Advertising for Tanning Salons

Brand marketing on radio helps place the name of your salon and your message in people’s minds.  But it also can separate your experience from other indulgence products.  For example, getting your toes done won’t lead your peers to compliment your new glow, but tanning your white body will.

Along with using radio to build your specific and unique brand, it’s an opportunity to build your brand as an employer.  Radio ads that not only sell what you want to sell to increase revenues can also be used to establish your salon(s) as the cool place to work. (Is “cool” still cool to use?)  Radio also can help connect you with the millennial generation workers who hear your message about jobs as an added message to selling tanning in 60-second-long spots and the station’s social media connections.

Radio and Call-to-Action Marketing

Radio is great for call-to-action marketing.  These are specific offers that get listeners energized to stop in to your salon to take advantage of a “hot deal,” such as a Free Tan Week.  This drives traffic and gives you opportunities for upselling.  No salon can thrive without traffic, and specific offers that have “heat” get responses.  If you’re going to offer a call to action, then make the offer unique, hot, and for a limited time to take advantage of a sense of urgency!

Radio is Still the Way to Go!

Trust me when I say that even in the digital age, good ol’ fashioned radio still gives you the best bang for your advertising bucks.  I’ve purchased radio advertising for clients for more than 45 years.  During that time, I’ve done business with Clear Channel, Cumulus, Saga, Cox, CBS, Townsquare and many more radio broadcast companies.  I’m happy to share what I’ve learned with all of my Vault members.  I wish you the best of success with these and other tips!

How to Cash in on Radio Advertising Buys (Part 3 of 4)

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Are you ready to work with the best tanning consultant in the industry?

Sign up for a no-obligation consultation so John can review your revenues, marketing direction and more, then he’ll provide some advice to increase these and other aspects of your tanning salon business. You’re only one step away from working with the industry No. 1 tanning consultant. Contact John Farr today to begin to begin your tanning salon transformation!