by Jessica Walker | Apr 17, 2018 | Farr Factor
So much has been written about the Millennial generation and what makes them tick. They are certainly different from the previous generations, particularly in some of the visual ways. (Can all those body piercings affect a good FM radio signal?) But, there are many...
by Jessica Walker | Apr 10, 2018 | Farr Factor
To get respect from your millennial tanning salon employees, you must be truthful. Millennials have little time for B.S. Their access to the Internet in their young and early adult lives caused them to be raised in an environment of availability of facts. Because...
by Jessica Walker | Apr 3, 2018 | Farr Factor
Some tanning salon owners find it difficult to manage their younger workforce. Baby Boomers were raised to believe that having a job was a privilege, while Millennials grew up receiving trophies just for showing up. Needless to say, these vast differences between...
by Jessica Walker | Mar 27, 2018 | Farr Factor
Tanning salon owners must understand the Millennial generation and what makes its members tick. These youngsters are your salon employees and tanners, after all! Among the tanning salon owners I work with, more than 90 percent of their sales employees are Millennials....
by Jessica Walker | Mar 20, 2018 | Farr Factor
If you sell spray tans, attracting and retaining new clients is the name of the game. When it comes to spray tan marketing and promotions, the best tips can be found on the frontlines of indoor tanning. I’m talking about the tanning salon owners who are selling...