15 Tips to Increase Spray Tan Clientele

15 Tips to Increase Spray Tan Clientele

Are you a tanning salon owner who’s struggling to build your handheld spray tanning business? I’ll be that attracting clients is one of your biggest challenges. Ask any spray tan technician and they’ll tell you that building a client database takes a lot of hard work....
Need James Bond on Your Staff?

Need James Bond on Your Staff?

As you read this article, imagine the strains of the “James Bond Theme” playing in the back of your mind… It should seem readily apparent to all of us that the days of double-digit unique tanner or individual sessions are in the past… as in the movie From...
Do the Math

Do the Math

Want to be shocked by the mathematics of your salon? Okay, let’s assume that your salon generates $150,000 annually, with 14 tanning systems, a per-tan average of $7.50 and 20,000 transactions or “tans” in a 12-month period. Stay with me, because this will be an...

The “Touch Points” of Tanning

What are those magic moments of the tanning experience at your salon that differentiates it from every other set of four walls that houses tanning beds? (I’m reminded of a New Jersey muffler shop 15 years ago that had four beds behind their muffler-changing bays – the...
Dickens Had it Right

Dickens Had it Right

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness …” Charles Dickens could have been speaking of the indoor tanning industry when he penned his famous first paragraph of A Tale of Two Cities in 1859. Maybe he...